Reflections on scavenging for data and creating tools to support language learning
Technologies are now often integrated into both the language learning classroom and informal learning environments. Many of these technologies have been repurposed to support communication activities or information-seeking needs. Increasingly, these technologies are designed to support a targeted aspect of language learning. I will present one approach to developing computer-assisted language learning applications that involves up to 5 stages: identifying and defining a problem, finding data to support project needs, modelling, tool development, and tool evaluation. I will illustrate this process through recent projects and reflect on how my collaboration with partners on this grant has influenced my perspective.
Monday, June 20, 2022
11:30 EDT
8:30 PDT, 9:30 MDT, 12:30 ADT,
16:30 BST
Dr. Carrie Demmans Epp
Assistant Professor Dept. of Computing Science
Director EdTeKLA Research Group
University of Alberta
Carrie Demmans Epp studies technology-mediated language learning. Carrie develops and tests new approaches to supporting learners’ oral proficiency, vocabulary knowledge, or literacy using adaptive technologies that target the needs of those who are learning additional languages. Her work relies on the detailed tracking of learner activities so that they can be modelled and understood with the aim of enabling personalized approaches to supporting language acquisition and use. When developing new language learning technologies, she engages in user-centered design and participatory design practices to ensure that the voices of relevant stakeholders are represented. Carrie is looking forward to helping team members design the logging of learner’s activities and develop new ways of using those logs to help everyone meet their research goals.